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Rev. Quetglas Foundation
Welcome to
Rev. Quetglas Foundation
Who We Are and What We Do
Quienes Somos y que Hacemos
We Make It Easy to Help Others
Juntos Podemos Ayudar a Otros.
We're a group of enthusiastic professionals who organize fundraisers and activities to gather funds and resources to send them to Honduras to support many projects Rev. Antonio Quetglas had been developing for over 50 years.
Somos un grupo de profesionales entusiastas que organizan recaudaciones de fondos y actividades para reunir recursos para enviarlos a Honduras y apoyar muchos proyectos que el Reverendo Antonio Quetglas había estado desarrollando durante más de 50 años.
Who We Are and What We Do
Quienes Somos y que Hacemos
We're a non-profit based in Miami and our main mission is to collect donations to help further Father Antonio Quetglas' foundation in Honduras. Rev Quetglas, who passed away in June 2017, had been in the endeavor of saving children from the streets in Honduras since 1980. In 1987 he founded the Girls' Orphanage and in 1983 he founded the Boys Orphanage. Rev. Quetglas was the founder of 16 homes for children, teens, elderly and terminally ill persons in San Pedro Sula, Honduras: Casa del Niño, Casa de la Niña, Casa del Joven, Casa del buen Samaritano, granja de rehabilitación La Esperanza, Módulos para Ancianos, centro básico Vicentino, And in Tegucigalpa: Guarderías San Antonio, Guarderías Santa Luisa de Marillac, Centro Juvenil San Vicente de Paul, Casa del Niño Madre Teresa, Pastoral de la Tercera Edad, juventude Matianas vicentinas and Proyecto Ser. His objetive has been to offer these children in risk an integral education and future. OSOVI counts on generous individuals and commercial entities who provide us with donations that go towards the maintenance and costs of keeping the centers running contributed to the growth of these above mentioned centers. Padre Antonio is now resting eternally in peace, but his legacy must live on through people of good faith.
"Go to the poor: you will find God."
"Ve al pobre y econtrarás a Dios."
San Vicente de Paul
Contact Us
2635 SW 79th ct Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos 33155
(786) 547-6046
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